We’re tracking down the most bizarre food things we find in the deep, dark corners and bright shiny headlights of the internet. This week, our editor Talia Ralph attempts gets to the heart of the avocado seed debate.


Ah, the internet: where bizarre, useless arguments go to die. This week, we were just #blessed enough that the tussle of choice happened to center on food. And not just any food, either—the *center* of one of the most controversial fruits out there: The avocado. Yes, our mushy green darling has found itself in the spotlight once again.

No, it’s not about gang wars or Nigella Lawson’s toast . This week, experts and angry people alike got all riled up about this little video from blogger Sophie Sonnenwirth of Nourish Me Whole , who insinuated that dehydrated, mashed up avocado pits are the latest nutritional elixir.

Of course, this annoyingly complicated, roundabout dietary suggestion is hardly the first of its kind to appear in the nutrition and food blogosphere, and certainly not the last. It’s also not the weirdest thing happening with avocado seeds.

Some people are carving faces into them (which we actually think is kind of awesome):

Photo via Jen Monson

Being sprouted in little cups of water—which looks like that cruel joke of sticking someone’s hand in a cup of water while they’re sleeping:

Photo via Wikipedia

And being fractured with a vice for no apparent reason:

Photo via YouTube

But it wouldn’t be a week without some serious journalistic pontificating about the values of sticking some seeds in your oven and grinding them up in an expensive blender. Here is just a fraction of the ensuing media storm:


Sonnenwirth responded to her newfound fame in an update to her post in a totally non-commital way, writing:

“I’d like to formally clarify that I’m NOT a professional nutritionist, chef or biologist. I am someone who is intensely passionate about natural health, and whenever I read about a food/idea/recipe that makes sense to me and inspires me, I share it. There is a range of research around whether or not the avocado seed should be consumed. Please ensure you read a few articles from both sides before making your decision whether or not to try it (and if you do, start slowly).”

Of course, you could always just put some berries in your smoothie and eat some jello and call it a day. But then, what would we all write argumentative think pieces about?